Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day! 🌟

This year we asked our community what GENDER EQUALITY means to them and these are some of their inspiring answers:

Eva Deible Siegl

Gender equality for me is an intersectional issue. It is a systemic issue. In our fight for a more equal and just world, we need to center the voices of historically marginalized people, acknowledge our colonial past and make room for the voices of frontline conmunities.

We are all challenged by capitalist, patriarchal and white supremacist systems. Let’s collectively reimagine a world based on genuine care, community belonging, regenerative practices and equity.  Let’s continue the tireless fight of those who risked their lives to get to where we are now. Let’s support each other across movements and not work in silos.

Jessica Besch

To me, gender equality means havingTo me, gender equality means having the same opportunities, regardless of the sex. More than just in the work place, gender equality should prevail in people’s minds, without having to think about it. From the essence, men and women might have their differences, but these differences should not encroach on one’s ambitions. The ultimate goal is to live in a world where gender equality is so self-evident that young boys and girls grow up with the same chances and obstacles to pursue their dreams.” the same opportunities, regardless of the sex. More than just in the work place, gender equality should prevail in people’s minds, without having to think about it. From the essence, men and women might have their differences, but these differences should not encroach on one’s ambitions. The ultimate goal is to live in a world where gender equality is so self-evident that young boys and girls grow up with the same chances and obstacles to pursue their dreams.

Mila Wölfer

Empowering women in international security and peacebuilding is not just a moral imperative, but a strategic necessity. Their voices, perspectives, and leadership are indispensable for creating sustainable peace and security worldwide. On this International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the invaluable contributions of women in building a more peaceful and just world.

Maria Utkina

Gender equality to me is being treated the same while embracing our differences/ divergences.

Teresa Pösel

International Women’s Day serves as a powerful sign of protest against patriarchal oppression and violence, while also reminding us of the ongoing struggle for achieving equality. It’s a day to celebrate women’s strengths and capabilities, yet it’s crucial to acknowledge that exploitation and discrimination persist. For many and for me as well, every day should embody the spirit of March 8th, advocating for gender equality and justice.

Anna Tutner

Gender equality for me means offering support to and solidarity with men and women who strive for a more inclusive future. It means continuous questioning of my own actions and habits of thought and critical thinking about routine social practices I engage in daily. Finally, gender equality means replacing competition and hierarchy with horizontality, diversity and creativity and placing emphasis on material and economical equality as a necessary base for achieving social and political equity.

Nadya Karpenko

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