The 7 ultimate WIIS Austria Home Office Tips

Can you believe that we are already heading towards week six of COVID-19-lockdown-caused home office? Some have adapted quickly to the new situation, for some actually nothing has changed and others still struggle. For those of you that consider yourselves part of the latter group, a few WIIS Austria members have joined forces to provide you with their tips to maintain productivity and sanity while working from home.

Jessica Besch: “Take good care of your plants as they are your new colleagues now.”
Natalie Søyseth: “If your home office resembles a product placement ad promoting diabetes, fear not, you are not alone. Keep your (double) chin up, for this too shall pass.”
Sandra Hochstöger: “In addition to the lack of movement, not having the most ergonomic office furniture at home can lead to back pain and muscular tension. Stretching 15-20 minutes every day works wonders. Youtube is full of guided stretches if you need a bit of assistance.”

Julia Zimmerman: “Take breaks to sip tea and rest. Be gentle with yourself and remember to celebrate the small joys in life – a sunny day, a delicious cup of coffee, or a chance to connect with loved ones. Surround yourself with inspiration and comfort.”
Weiwei Sun: “Try to start work around the same time every day if you can, schedule a lunch break, and allow yourself two additional 15 minute breaks.”
Jessica Grün: “As my desk is our dining table, I try to clear off everything work related from the table at the end of my day to have a bit of seperation from it all. It also means I start with a clean slate every morning!”
Julia Hütter: “Find yourself some space where there is enough natural light.”

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